wmb-cms16 October 2014: The World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2014 photo competition held under the campaign theme ‘Destination Flyways: Migratory Birds and Tourism’ has concluded. Winners were picked from 37 photos of migratory birds taken in 22 different countries.

First prize was awarded to the photo ‘Dancing Egret in the Morning’ taken in China by Dan Chen, China; second prize was awarded to a photo of ‘Farmers and the Bee-eater,’ taken in Tunisia by El Golli Mohamed Omar, Tunisia; third prize was awarded to the photo ‘East Mediterranean Exotic Specialty,’ taken in Greece by Nikolai Petkov, Bulgaria; and fourth prize was awarded to the photo, ‘The Departure,’ captured in Thailand by Elis Simpson, the United Kingdom.

The winners were chosen by a jury that included representatives from the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) and the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). [CMS News] [WMBD Photo Competition website]