15 December 2010: The Convention on Migratory Species of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP/CMS), in collaboration with BirdLife International and Asociación Guyra Paraguay, have adopted an action plan to ensure the conservation of migratory grassland birds and their habitats in South America.

The CMS action plan focuses on protecting and managing habitats for the migratory grassland birds by identifying new protected areas, providing financial incentives to local cattle ranchers, coordinating monitoring and research of grassland biodiversity among countries, conducting threat assessments, raising awareness and enhancing international cooperation towards developing a legal framework for the preservation of grasslands.

The agreement is the result of a one-day meeting in Asuncion, Paraguay, between government representatives, scientists and conservationists. Commenting on the action plan, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, CMS Executive Secretary, underlined that, in addition to addressing threats to migratory grassland birds in South America, it safeguards many other endangered species by preserving their habitat and “At the same time we help mitigating climate change because it aims to conserve the grasslands that produce oxygen and act as carbon sinks.” [CMS Press Release]