7 March 2013: Participants at the Fourth Session of the Steering Committee Meeting of the Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) Initiative reiterated their commitment to tackling climate change impacts in Africa, and recognized a need for the three lead partners, the African Union Commission (AUC), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), to work as one in implementing its 2013 work plan.

At the meeting, which took place in Tunis, Tunisia, from 6-7 March 2013, Committee members called for: increased efforts to ensure that ClimDev-Africa works within its original mandate; and the establishment of a communication strategy to inform the public on programme activities, as well as to keep partners informed on progress and challenges faced by ClimDev-Africa.

Participants also heard a report on implemented activities in 2011-2012, including on pilot projects, areas of research and strategic support to the African Group of Negotiators (AGN). While recognizing the challenges climate change poses to Africa, Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, said the Initiative “would be equal to the task.” Aly Abou-Sabaa, AfDB, indicated that the Bank remains supportive of efforts to address climate change impacts within the Initiative.

ClimDev-Africa is an integrated, multi-partner programme addressing climate observations, climate services, climate risk management, and climate policy needs in Africa. The principal partners are UNECA, the African Union (AU), AfDB, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The Initiative aims to explore actions to overcome climate information gaps and includes three elements: the African Climate Policy Center at UNECA; the Climate Change and Desertification Control Unit at the AUC; and the ClimDev Special Fund (CDSF) at the AfDB. The Fund currently has €144 million for 2012-2014. [AfDB Press Release] [ClimDev Africa Initiative Website]