5 September 2012: The Climate Finance Innovation Facility (CFIF), managed by the Frankfurt School – UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Collaborating Centre for Climate and Sustainable Energy Finance, has launched its third Call for Proposals. CFIF invites applications from financial institutions based in Asia-Pacific developing countries, to be submitted by 30 September 2012.

The CFIF aims to catalyze new investment in the climate mitigation sectors by providing assistance to “first movers” in the finance community in the development of new products with replication potential. Activities eligible for support include feasibility studies, market assessments and legal reviews.

The CFIF is funded by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany. CFIF provides support in the form of grants and technical assistances for setting up innovative financial products, programmes or services for low-carbon energy sectors including renewable energy and energy efficiency. [CFIF Press Release] [Call for Proposals] [CFIF Webpage]