Consulting before the opening of OWG-9. L-R: Nikhil Seth, Director, Division for Sustainable Development; OWG Co-Chair Csaba Kőrösi; David O'Connor, Division for Sustainable Development; OWG Co-Chair Macharia Kamau; and Kenji Nakano, Secretary.March 2014: Numerous civil society groups have recently published reports and position papers on aspects of the post-2015 development agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) processes. The recent publications address: governance, health, gender equality, children, equality, private sector participation and green growth, among other issues.

The Global Policy Forum’s working paper, titled ‘Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process,’ discusses the involvement of large corporations in the UN’s development work and calls for greater transparency and financial details of their participation.

A group of 343 NGOs and groups signed on to the ‘Feminist Declaration for Post-2015.’ The Declaration calls for: gender equality and women’s empowerment to be cross-cutting issues and a stand-alone goal in the agenda; any goal on education to specifically address the access to and completion of schooling by women and girls; any health goal to include realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights; the creation of an “international environment for development” through economic justice; and ensuring ecological justice through the protection and restoration of ecosystems.

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) released a report, titled ‘What’s behind the demand for governance? An assessment of people’s views.’ The report analyzes MY World survey data to better analyze global views on governance issues, finding that people’s top priority on the issue is “honest and effective” governments that can deliver their needs.

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) published a technical report for the post-2015 development agenda, titled ‘Health in the Framework of Sustainable Development.’ Compiled by the SDSN Thematic Group on Health for All, the report recommends a development goal to “Achieve Health and Well-being at all Ages,” and emphasizes the need for affordable, primary health services, including for reproductive and mental health.

The participating organizations of Beyond 2015 released their reactions to the Focus Areas Document of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on SDGs. The group expressed its concern about: the prioritization of growth throughout the document; lack of commitment to a universal agenda; and the need to better address human rights and inequality.

IBON International released a policy brief, titled ‘On Promoting Equality for Sustainable Development,’ which compiles proposals and recommendations for overcoming inequalities that structurally prevent sustainable development and the realization of human rights.

The ‘Green Economy Barometer’ report was published by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and the Green Economy Coalition. The report analyzes major countries that have pursued green growth policies and evaluates their progress so far.

Several child-focused agencies and organizations released a joint communique stressing the specific and unique needs of children. It stresses that the rights of children must be central to the post-2015 development agenda. [Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process] [Feminist Declaration for Post-2015] [What’s behind the demand for governance?An assessment of people’s views] [Health in the Framework of Sustainable Development] [Beyond 2015 Media Statement] [Policy Brief: On Promoting Equality for Sustainable Development] [Green Economy Barometer: Who is doing what where, and why?] [Joint Communique by child-focused agencies]