CIFOR2 October 2013: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) reported on the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ being carried out in Brazil, Cameroon, Indonesia, Tanzania, and Viet Nam. The study examines tenure security issues within the framework of REDD+ activities.

In the discussion of the study, CIFOR notes the importance of tenure security for sustainable forest management (SFM), poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods. As such, the report states that secure tenure is a key element in efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation.

Through the in-country analysis, the report concludes that the main mechanisms employed for tenure security in REDD+ readiness activities include recognizing and cataloguing village and forest boundaries and identifying legal right holders. However, the report notes that while significant activities were carried out at the local level, little progress was made with regards to resolving tenure issues at the national level.

The report concludes that, in order for lasting impacts on tenure security to be realized, national tenure actions need to be addressed. In particular, the report suggests the integration of national and local tenure efforts, the clarification of international and national REDD+ policies with regards to tenure, and conflict resolution mechanisms for tenure. CIFOR is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [Publication: How are REDD+ Proponents Addressing Tenure Problems? Evidence from Brazil, Cameroon, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam] [CIFOR Blog Post]