CIFOR30 October 2014: Making links between climate change mitigation and adaptation, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has released a report from Cameroon revealing that the impacts of climate change may negatively affect REDD+ outcomes. The report suggests that adaptation, which can be achieved through agroforestry and improved agricultural practices, should be considered as a key co-benefit in REDD+ projects.

To maximize the links between climate change mitigation and adaptation, the report recommends addressing a number of challenges including institutional division of responsibility for mitigation and adaptation, the lack of capacity among mitigation experts on adaptation activities, and the lack of coordination between experts in different fields.

To support the delivery of adaptation co-benefits in REDD+, the report calls for improved engagement of local communities and the development of multi-disciplinary project teams. The report also recommends the elaboration of dual goals to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and decrease vulnerability to climate change. CIFOR is part of the CGIAR consortium. [CIFOR Press Release] [Publication: Forest-climate Nexus – linking adaptation and mitigation in Cameroon’s climate policy process]