CIFOR5 May 2014: On the occasion of the Forests Asia Summit, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) launched ‘T20Q,’ also known as “top twenty questions for forestry and landscapes.” The first phase of T20Q will run until October 2014 with the objective of gathering views and opinions on research priorities in forests and landscapes.

The opinion-gathering portion of the project consists of an online survey, social media outreach and a series of conferences and workshops. The online survey solicits views on research priorities and will identify how research priorities vary across region, organization and gender. Eligible questions are categorized in four areas: environmental issues and services, people and society, economic and development issues, and other issues.

Following the online survey, key questions will be compiled, categorized and then discussed during workshops, including at the margins of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress to be convened 5-11 October 2014.

T20Q is a component of the Evidence Based Forestry Initiative (EBF) and is funded by the government of the United Kingdom. CIFOR is a part of the CGIAR consortium. [T20Q Website] [CIFOR Press Release]