CIFORDecember 2014: Ahead of the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Lima, Peru, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) released two info briefs on REDD+, one focusing on Indonesia, and the other on Peru.

Titled ‘The Legitimacy of Multilevel Governance Structures for Benefit Sharing – REDD+ and other low emissions options in Peru,’ the first brief explores governance frameworks for benefit-sharing noting that regional dialogues on REDD+ benefit-sharing are largely taking place without the participation of local governments, indigenous organizations, producer groups and the agriculture sector.

The info brief notes that developing a national benefit-sharing framework that integrates the many project-based approaches already under implementation may be challenging. The brief does indicate that due to a lack of sufficient carbon payments, many of the current benefit-sharing arrangements in Peru focus on non-monetary benefits.

Overall, the info brief suggests that the REDD+ process in Peru pay particular attention to ensuring the legitimacy of the benefit-sharing framework while ensuring that both direct payments, as well as non-monetary benefits such as infrastructure investments and support for local land claims, are addressed.

Participation also emerged as a key point in the second brief, titled ‘Who Holds Power in Land-use Decisions? Implications for REDD+ in Indonesia,’ which reviews power structures in decision-making on land use and their impact on REDD+. In particular, the info brief states that the participation of customary rights holders is not yet institutionalized and although there are some good examples of the engagement of such holders, there is scope for strengthened recognition.

The Indonesia brief also suggests that as the REDD+ process develops safeguards, attention should be paid to the clear definition of all rights holders and coherence with the ongoing decentralization process in the country. It also notes that how sub-national actors and key land use decision-makers will be involved in REDD+ decision making, including at the national strategy level, needs to be further explored.

CIFOR is part of the CGIAR Consortium. [Publication: The Legitimacy of Multilevel Governance Structures for Benefit Sharing – REDD+ and other low emissions options in Peru] [Publication: Who Holds Power in Land-use Decisions? Implications for REDD+ in Indonesia]