CIFOR11 December 2013: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Peru’s Environment Ministry (MINAM) signed an agreement to step up joint research efforts on sustainable forest management in Peru. The agreement was signed at a ceremony held 10 December 2013 in Lima, Peru.

Under the agreement, CIFOR and MINAM will produce targeted research that aims to better inform government policies on sustainable development in Peru’s Amazonian forests. The two also hope the research will aid the process of drafting and adopting implementation measures for Peru’s new forest law, and support MINAM’s ongoing work on REDD+.

CIFOR is an intergovernmental research organization that operates in more than 30 countries seeking to ensure that forestry decision-making is based on solid science and good governance and reflects the perspectives of developing countries and forest-dependent people. CIFOR is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [CIFOR Press Release]