The Ad Hoc Joint Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation and Coordination between the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions held its first meeting in Helsinki, Finland, from 26-28 March 2007.

The Working Group was tasked with developing recommendations on ways to enhance cooperation and coordination at the administrative and programmatic levels, to be presented to the Conferences of the Parties of the three Conventions. The meeting was co-chaired by Chile, China and Finland. Participants developed guiding principles for their work, identified national needs to be addressed in promoting cooperation and cooperation, and identified areas of cooperation and coordination that could be promoted. The Working Group concluded that the objectives of coordination and cooperation are the strengthening of the three conventions; coherent policy guidance; and maximizing the effective and efficient use of resources at all levels. The Working Group developed ten principles to guide its work, including: promoting the implementation and enforcement of the conventions; respecting the legal autonomy of each convention; ensuring that form follows function; responding to the specific needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition; and promoting programmatic coordination and cooperation. National needs to be addressed in promoting cooperation, including institutional, public awareness and information exchange, as well as the mobilization of financial resources, were also recognized. The Working Group also identified three areas of cooperation and coordination that could be promoted, including: among the three secretariats; in new areas such as coordinated use of regional offices and shared legal and financial arrangements; and in formal management and oversight. The Working Group agreed to hold a second meeting in December 2007, during which it will discuss the three areas of cooperation and coordination that could be promoted (IISDRS Sources).

Link to further information
Ad hoc Joint Working Group website