CGRFA3 September 2013: The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has circulated a survey to help identify lessons learned about the ways and means to conserve and use genetic diversity to build resilience to climate change in food and agriculture systems.

Carried out by the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) on behalf of the CGRFA, the survey has been designeCGRFAd to gather experiences from around the world on climate change adaptation and mitigation actions that involve the use of all genetic resources that constitute biodiversity for food and agriculture. This includes the biological diversity present in agricultural, pastoral, forest and aquatic production systems or other systems of importance to them, including the variety and variability of animals, plants and micro-organisms at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels that sustain the structure, functions and processes of production systems. The survey also aims to obtain information on the extent to which the role of genetic resources is recognized and genetic resources are used for adaptation and mitigation. For this reason, it seeks information about the inclusion of genetic resources dimensions in the development, for example, of national climate change planning processes. The results of the survey will support the preparation of guidelines for the integration of genetic diversity considerations into climate change adaptation planning.

This survey is being sent to the Commission’s national focal points, key relevant organizations and experts with experience on the use of genetic resources and genetic diversity for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The deadline for participation is 22 September 2013. [Survey of lessons learned about ways and means to conserve and use genetic diversity to build resilience to climate change in food and agriculture systems]