CGIAR12 July 2016: The CGIAR System Council held its inaugural meeting and appointed Juergen Voegele, Senior Director, World Bank Agriculture Global Practice, as Chair of the Council. The CGIAR System Council, a central element of CGIAR’s new governance structure, provides leadership and guidance on issues such as: CGIAR’s vision, strategic direction, and advocacy governance; partnership engagement and resource mobilization; performance evaluation; and impact assessment.

In April 2015, the CGIAR Fund Council decided to transition to a more streamlined governance system to increase the CGIAR Consortium’s effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of decision making. The reform included: replacing the two existing governing bodies, the CGIAR Fund Council and the CGIAR Consortium Board, with the CGIAR System Council; establishing a single Consortium office in Montpelier, France; and changing the CGIAR’s legal personality to that of an intergovernmental organization. The transition is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

The System Council meeting also considered other issues related to the transition towards the CGIAR’s new governance structure, including: the terms of reference (ToR) for the Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISCP), a standing panel of experts providing advice on science and research matters, including partnerships; formalization of transition arrangements; and general reflections on expectations for the future of CGIAR under its new governance structure.

In other news, CGIAR appointed Nick Austin as its Interim Executive of the CGIAR System Organization to guide CGIAR until the CGIAR System Management Board appoints a new Executive Director. [CGIAR Press Release on Voegele][CGIAR Press Release on Austin][CGIAR System Council Meeting Documents] [CGIAR Governance Structure]