26 August 2012: The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has invited stakeholder comments on an Action Plan to augment its Strategy and Results Framework (SRF). The CGIAR institutions use the SRF as a roadmap for sustainable agricultural development, and the new Action Plan is expected to link the efforts of the CGIAR Research Programmes to system-wide outcomes.

CGIAR’s system-level outcome goals include: reducing rural poverty; improving food security; improving nutrition and health; and sustainably managing natural resources. With many of the 15 CGIAR Research Programmes underway, the Group aims to take stock of the collaborations’ contributions to broader CGIAR goals.

Stakeholders interested in commenting on the Action Plan should register prior to the first week of September. Consultation on the draft document will take place from 3-9 September 2012, and discussion of key issues will occur from 24-30 September 2012. [CGIAR Call for Input]