world-water-week3 September 2013: The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and partners, as part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Challenge Program on Water and Food’s Volta and Limpopo Basin Development Challenge, have developed a tool, titled ‘Targeting AGwater Management Interventions (TAGMI),’ which aims to help those introducing new water management technologies to consider the likelihood of success of interventions in the Volta and Limpopo river basins.

TAGMI covers 85% of the Volta Basin and all the countries of the Limpopo basin. It incorporates technologies related to soil and water conservation, small-scale irrigation and small reservoir. These technologies represent well known approaches that have not been widely adopted, in part due to the varied conditions required for them to be optimal.

The tool explicitly considers the likelihood that a water management technology will still be in use two years after introduction. It considers factors, such as labor, appropriate skill and community organizations as predictors of success of uptake of agriculture water management (AWM) technologies. The tool is designed so that additional water management technologies could be added, and is applicable to other geographic locations.

The CGIAR Challenge Program is managed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), which is a member of the CGIAR. [IWMI Press Release] [World Water Week Press Release] [TAGMI Tool]