6 April 2018: The Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), in collaboration with the International Energy Agency (IEA), has launched a technology Roadmap titled, ‘Low-Carbon Transition in the Cement Industry.’ The document provides a pathway to decreasing cement industry CO2 emissions by 24% below current levels by 2050.

Responsible for 7% of both the world’s industrial energy use and industrial CO2 emissions, the cement sector is the third-largest industrial consumer of energy in the world, and the second largest industrial emitter of CO2. As urbanization and global population continue to increase, global cement production is projected to rise by 12-23% by 2050.

The technology roadmap outlines three scenarios: a business as usual case and IEAs reference technology scenario (RTS) and 2°C scenario (2DS). The RTS, which takes into account current energy and climate commitments made under the Paris Agreement, predicts that CO2 emissions from cement production would rise by 4% despite increasing efficiencies.

In order to achieve the 2DS scenario, additional technology investments and policies are necessary. The report outlines policy priorities, regulatory recommendations, investment stimulating mechanisms and technical challenges. It also identifies the main carbon mitigation levers in the cement sector, such as improving energy efficiency in the production process, switching to alternative fuels, reducing the clinker to cement ratio and integrating emerging and innovative technologies, such as carbon capture and storage/utilization.

The CSI, an initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), is a global effort by 24 leading cement producers with operations in 100 countries accounting for 30% of the world’s cement production. CSI members integrate sustainable development into their business strategies and operations. This report leverages CSI’s database titled, ‘Getting the Numbers Right,’ and builds on the first industry technology roadmap developed by IEA and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in 2009. This report highlights that between 1990-2015, while global cementitious production increased by 76.9%, related total net CO2 emissions increased by only 43%. [Low Carbon Transition in the Cement Industry Report] [IEA News Report] [CSI Website]