3 June 2016: The Seventh Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM7) took place from 1-2 June 2016 in San Francisco, California, US, in conjunction with the inaugural Mission Innovation (MI) Ministerial and chaired by US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz. Moniz noted that San Francisco was chosen as host city because of its role in innovative technology. On 1 June, the CEM met in closed-door discussions and, on 2 June, the CEM7’s Open Press Public Private Action Summit convened.
During the two-day meeting, CEM members reached general consensus on the draft CEM Framework document, and arrangements for the new multilateral CEM secretariat. CEM members also agreed to house the Secretariat at the International Energy Agency (IEA), pending approval by the IEA Governing Board. Updates were provided on CEM6 campaigns, including the Global Lighting Challenge (GLC), the Power System Challenge and the scaled-up Clean Energy Solutions Center. The following CEM7 campaigns were also launched: the Advanced Cooling Challenge; the Energy Management Campaign: A Drive to 50,001 Energy-Saving Partners; and the Corporate Sourcing of Renewables Campaign.
Four high-level roundtable discussions took place on: Innovative Mechanisms and Strategies for Investment in Energy Efficiency; Facilitating Corporate Sourcing of Clean Energy; Government Procurement and Demonstration of Clean Technology; and Next Generation Wind and Solar: Getting Policies and Markets Right.
Scene-setting presentations and policy perspectives were delivered by the IEA, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, REN21 and the World Energy Trilemma, and panels discussion convened on, inter alia: the road from Paris and the CEM; achieving universal access to clean and affordable energy; scaling corporate access to renewable energy; appliance efficiency; and commercial and industrial efficiency. An awards ceremony recognized winners for energy management leadership, global efficiency in lighting, excellence in smart grid innovation and outstanding off-grid appliances. The Startups and Solutions Showcase, which had over 100 exhibits, was held in parallel to the meeting.
China announced that it will convene CEM8 in Beijing in 2017. The CEM is a high-level global forum involving the world’s major economies in promoting policies and programmes that advance clean energy technology. It has three major goals: improving energy efficiency; enhancing the supply of clean energy; and expanding access to clean energy around the world. The CEM grew out of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate in July 2009, which agreed to launch a global partnership to drive transformational low-carbon and climate-friendly technologies.
The CEM includes ministers from 23 countries and one regional group that together produce about 80% of global carbon emissions and account for 90% of clean energy investments. The members of the CEM are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, the European Commission (EC) on behalf of the European Union (EU), Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Norway, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). [CEM7 Website] [CEM Website, with Press Releases] [IISD RS Coverage of CEM7] [CEM7 Press Release] [UNIDO Press Release]