25 February 2010: The reports of the 24th meeting of the Small-Scale Working Group (SSC WG), which took place from 16-19 February 2010, and the 27th meeting of the Afforestation and Reforestation Working Group (A/R WG), which took place from 17-19 February 2010, in Bonn, Germany, are now available on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) website.
At the meeting, the SSC WG considered matters relating to the operation of small-scale CDM project activities, including simplified modalities for small-scale project activities. It considered requests for revisions to, or clarifications of, approved methodologies, as well as requests for creation of new methodologies. The WG also considered 14 requests for the creation of new methodologies, and agreed to recommend two of the proposed new methodologies, entitled, “Emission reductions through recovery of spent sulphuric acid” and “Recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes.” It agreed to seek further clarifications, or request further inputs on, specific issues in relation to nine of the requests, and agreed not to recommend two of the proposed new methodologies. It also continued its work on the revision of cook stove methodologies.
As requested by the CDM Executive Board at its 51st and 52nd meetings, the WG also commenced work on the development of top down methodologies in the priority sectors defined by the Executive Board. The WG prepared initial drafts of a small-scale energy efficiency exterior lighting methodology and a small-scale domestic solar water heating system methodology. It is also working on a new methodology for replacing kerosene lamps with LED or other lighting technologies, and is considering modifications to the existing compact fluorescent lighting (CFL) methodology.
At its meeting, the A/R WG considered two proposed new A/R methodologies, and agreed to recommend the new methodology “Afforestation and reforestation of land subject to polyculture farming” for approval by the Executive Board. The WG was unable to conclude consideration of the new methodology “Afforestation/reforestation activities on degraded agricultural land subject to abandonment process” and agreed to continue considering the methodology at its next meeting. It also considered requests for clarifications related to the application of approved baseline and monitoring methodologies, as well as the revision of two forms relating to A/R project activities. [SSC WG Meeting Report] [A/R WG Meeting Report]