28 May 2009: The Executive Board (EB) of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has released the report of its 47th meeting, which was held from 26-28 May 2009, in Bonn, Germany.

The Board discussed the accreditation of operational entities, methodologies for baselines, monitoring plans, and issues relating to small-scale CDM projects.
On afforestation and reforestation projects, the Board revised three approved afforestation/reforestation methodologies, and approved one new small-scale afforestation/reforestation methodology. With regard to the work on CDM programme of activities (PoA), the Board agreed to adopt: “Procedures for registration of a PoA as a single CDM project activity and issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) for a PoA,” contained in annex 29 to the report; “Procedures for review of erroneous inclusion of a CDM Programme Activity (CPA),” contained in annex 30; “Procedures for approval of the application of multiple methodologies to a PoA,” contained in annex 31; and “Guidelines on the de-bundling for small-scale project activities,” contained in annex 32. The Board also considered: matters relating to the registration of CDM projects; the CDM management plan; resources for the work on the CDM; matters relating to the issuance of CERs and to the CDM registry; privileges and immunities; regional distribution of CDM projects; and relations with designated national authorities (DNAs), designated operational and applicant entities, and with stakeholders, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.[EB47 Report] [EB47 Report and Annexes] [EB47 Webcast]