18 February 2011: As agreed at its 59th meeting, held from 14-18 February 2011, in Bonn, Germany, the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has launched four calls for public inputs.

The first call is for public inputs on issues associated with the development and scaling-up of the CDM Programme of Activities (PoA) as CDM project activities and its difficulties. The Board, inter alia, seeks for inputs on: the possible alternative concepts for a Programme of Activities; the barriers in the current rules; and the rules that do not exist or are missing and should be there. The inputs received from this public call will serve as discussion points for a workshop to be organized by the UNFCCC Secretariat, involving CDM stakeholders. The call is open from 18 February to 18 March 2011.

The second call is for public inputs on areas and means for direct communication of relevant stakeholder groups within the registration, issuance and methodology processes and the Board. The call is open from 18 February to 18 March 2011.

The third call is for public inputs on the “Guidelines for demonstrating additionality of renewable energy projects of up to 5 megawatts and energy efficiency projects with energy savings of no more than 20 gigawatt hours per year,” to facilitate the work on the revision and broadening of these guidelines. The call is open from 18 February 2011 to 8 March 2011.

The last call is for public inputs on the revised approved small-scale methodology “Recovery and recycling of materials from solid wastes” in order to explore opportunities to further expand this methodology to cover more recyclable materials. The call is open from 18 February 2011 to 18 March 2011. [Call for Public Inputs on Programme of Activities] [Call for Public Inputs on Areas and Means for Direct Communication of Stakeholders and the Board] [Call for Public Inputs on Guidelines for Specific Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects] [Call for Public Inputs on a Small-Scale Methodology]