3 June: At its 61st meeting, held from 30 May – 3 June 2011 in Bonn, Germany, the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) decided to launch four calls for public input on: identification of common issues in the implementation of registered afforestation/reforestation (A/R) CDM project activities; key issues identified in relation to the development of a solar cooker methodology; draft small-scale methodology for water saving devices; and how to include co-benefits in the documentation of CDM project activities, and the role of the different actors and stakeholders in this process.

The first call, on identification of common difficulties in the implementation of registered A/R CDM project activities, is for inputs from project participants who have registered A/R CDM project activities and who have applied, or considered applying, changes from the description of the project activity contained in the registered project design documents, during implementation of the registered A/R CDM project activities. The inputs received will be considered by the A/R Working Group at its 33rd meeting, to be held from 22-24 August 2011. The call is open from 3 June to 3 July 2011, and references are requested to be provided using a template that can be downloaded from the CDM website.

The second call is for public inputs on key issues identified in relation to the development of a solar cooker methodology, as contained in Annex 3 of the report of the 31st meeting of the Small-Scale Working Group. This call is open from 3 June to 3 July 2011, and inputs received will be considered by the Working Group at its 33rd meeting.

The third call is a request for proposals on how to include co-benefits and negative impacts in the documentation of CDM project activities, and the role of the different actors and stakeholders in this process. This call is also open from 3 June to 3 July 2011.

The fourth call for public inputs is to facilitate the further development of a draft methodology for low-flow showerhead hot water saving devices, on issues identified in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report of the 31st meeting of the Small-Scale Working Group. This call is open from 3-16 June 2011, and inputs received will be considered by the Working Group at its 32nd meeting to be held from 21-24 June 2011. [First Call for Inputs] [Second Call for Inputs] [Third Call for Inputs] [Fourth Call for Inputs]