UNFCCC20 July 2012: The Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has concluded its 68th meeting, during which it considered issues relating to additionality and the demonstration of the sustainable development co-benefits of CDM projects.

The Board considered issues relating to: the strategic planning and direction of the CDM; the Board and its support structure; the operation of panels and working groups; accreditation of operational entities; the CDM Programme of Activities (PoAs); registration of projects and issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs); regulatory matters; and relations with forums and other stakeholders.

On regulatory matters, the Board considered a variety of tools and guidelines, including guidelines relating to suppressed demand, materiality, and uncertainties in measurements in baseline and monitoring methodologies. It adopted: three new methodologies for large-scale projects; four methodologies for small-scale projects; and revisions and amendments to several methodologies.

In addition, upon considering the draft revised guidelines on demonstration of additionality of micro-scale project activities and the summary of the public inputs received on the issue, the Board agreed to revise the guidelines. The revised guidelines expand the list of projects that qualify for automatic additionality to include a range of small projects, such as those installing efficient cook stoves and solar water heaters to displace grid-connected electric heaters. The Board also considered a draft voluntary tool that project participants can use to highlight the sustainable development co-benefits of CDM projects and PoAs. It requested the Secretariat to prepare a final draft of the tool for consideration by the Board at its next meeting. [Report of 68th Meeting of CDM Executive Board] [UNFCCC Press Release]