ccac_opening25 February 2015: The Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC) Working Group Meeting adopted decisions on the Coalition’s 5-Year Strategic Plan, the Road to Paris, the Demonstrating Impact Task Force, the Midterm Review and funding requests.

The Working Group addressed agenda items on: Partners in Action; Demonstrating Impact; the 5-Year Strategic Plan; and the Initiatives and the Communications Group. The meeting also heard updates from the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) and initiatives with new funding requests.

The decision on the 5-Year Strategic Plan requests the Task Force to prepare a first draft of the Strategic Plan Framework, featuring inputs from CCAC Partners and informed by the outcomes of the Coalition’s Action Plan, for delivery to the CCAC High-level Assembly (HLA) in May 2015.

The decision on demonstrating impact welcomes progress made by the Task Force; entrusts the Task Force to continue work on, and submit, a refined list of draft indicators to the HLA in May 2015; and requests the Task Force to coordinate with the Strategic Plan Task Force to ensure alignment of mutual objectives.

On the Midterm Review, the decision takes note of work and entrusts the Strategic Plan Task Force with oversight of the inception report and review of the final report.

On the ‘Road to Paris,’ the Working Group decides that the CCAC’s main deliverable during the Paris Climate Change Conference, in December 2015, will be the launch of the 5-Year Strategic Plan, including an implementation plan. The decision also encourages CCAC Partners to: include short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs); and comment on a Draft Guidance note on SLCPs related to INDCs in the Supporting National Planning for Action on SLCPs (SNAP) Initiative.

The Working Group approved six funding requests: US$ 756,354 under the Agriculture Initiative; US$ 899,960 and US$ 499,350 under the Diesel Initiative, for soot-free urban bus fleets and the Global Green Freight Action Plan, respectively; US$ 265,000 under the Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Initiative, for capacity building; US$ 525,100 under the Regional Assessment Initiative, for Asia; and US$ 675,656 under the SNAP Initiative, for work with Morocco and Peru, and a workshop in West Asia. The Working Group also approved requests from UN-HABITAT and the Smart Freight Centre to join the CCAC.

More than 100 participants attended the meeting, which convened from 24-25 February in Kathmandu, Nepal. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) hosted the meeting. [CCAC Event Webpage] [IISD RS Story on Meeting Opening] [IISD RS Coverage of the CCAC Meeting]