cbfp22 October 2014: The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) convened a partners meeting to discuss climate change adaptation and mitigation in Central Africa. The meeting focused mostly on REDD+, community forestry, agriculture and climate change, impacts of climate change on mangroves, and mitigation in arid areas, with participants concluding that while significant attention has been paid to REDD+ in Central Africa, the discourse needs to be expanded to include other ecosystems beyond tropical forests.

Participants also recommended that synergies be explored between adaptation and mitigation, further action be taken to identify the costs of adaptation in the region, support for local economies be strengthened, and sustainable agricultural intensification be considered as an important component of climate change responses.

The meeting also explored research needs including adequate funding, additional information on climate change adaptation options, and further understanding of climate change mitigation and adaptation within different landscapes including lowlands, mangroves and arid areas. [CBFP Press Release] [Publication: Report – Market Place of Ideas No: 4]