cbfp-afdb9 October 2013: The Congo Basin Forests Fund (CBFF) has reported on the outcomes of the 13th meeting of its board of directors, which considered progress in the implementation of the fund and approved the 2012 annual report.

The 2012 annual report highlights the CBFF portfolio of 40 projects totaling more than 80 million euro as well as improvements in project processing times and an increase in disbursement by 200 per cent in 2012 over previous years. The analysis also notes a new partnership with the Prince Albert of Monaco Foundation and a funding pledge of 20 million Canadian dollars from the Government of Canada.

With regard to plans for 2013, meeting participants discussed the development of a detailed operational manual for grantees and the implementation of the CBFF simplified operational procedures. For 2013 strategic development, the meeting agreed to organize a strategic planning workshop, revise the CBFF logical framework, and improve project monitoring, supervision and reporting. The CBFF is hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB) with the objective of addressing climate change and poverty through reduced deforestation in the Congo Basin. [Congo Basin Forest Partnership Press Release] [Publication: Congo Basin Forests Fund 2012 Annual Report]