CBDSeptember 2014: The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat has released the Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 (GBO-4) Technical Report (CBD Technical Series No. 78), titled ‘Progress toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: An assessment of biodiversity trends, policy scenarios and key actions.’ This report explains that, while progress has been made towards achieving most of the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets, significant work remains, and if current trends continue, the Targets are unlikely to be met by the 2020 deadline.

The GBO-4 Technical Report assesses progress made towards attaining the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Targets. It provides a detailed assessment of the evidence base underlying the conclusions of the main GBO-4 report and aims to provide policy input, ensure stronger dialogue with stakeholders, and examine a range of socioeconomic development pathways and their impacts on the environment. To achieve these objectives, key indicators are analyzed in light of recent trends, current status, near-term projections to 2020 and longer-term projections to 2050 for each of the Aichi Targets. Thus, the report discusses, inter alia: consequences of achieving or missing Targets in terms of key indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem services; actions that would contribute to attaining the Targets and their costs and benefits; interactions, trade-offs and synergies between the targets; and key uncertainties and knowledge gaps.

In addition, the report examines how achieving the Aichi Targets can contribute to the longer-term goals in the CBD 2050 Vision and considers how biodiversity and the Targets could be incorporated into the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The assessment also includes a greater focus on drivers of biodiversity loss and on ecosystems than previous reports. In addition, while genetic diversity is also addressed, an in-depth assessment is limited by a lack of data and scenarios.

In 2010, the Parties to the CBD adopted the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, which includes the 20 Aichi Targets. [Publication: Progress toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: An Assessment of Biodiversity Trends, Policy Scenarios and Key Actions]