CBDOctober 2015: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has released the report of a workshop of the Network of Laboratories for the Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs), which made recommendations for capacity-building workshops, the development of technical tools and guidance, and other activities to support Parties in the sampling, detection and identification of LMOs.

The workshop aimed to: develop outlines for capacity-building workshops for the detection and identification of LMOs; compile and develop didactic materials for such workshops; and develop technical tools and guidance to implement the Protocol’s provisions regarding the safe handling, packaging and transport of LMOs and with regard to transit, contained use, unintentional transboundary movements and emergency measures.

Participants reviewed a draft outline for capacity building workshops and agreed that the development of didactical materials make use of existing materials including elements discussed during the workshop, with the Secretariat taking the lead in developing the narrative on each section.

Regarding the development of technical tools, participants drafted operational definitions for the terms “unintentional transboundary movement” and “illegal transboundary movement.” They also developed lists of topics for tools and guidance for laboratory testing and analysis and support systems.

Participants also made recommendations for consideration by the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties (COP-MOP 8), including encouraging Parties to: establish effective workflows in sampling, detection and identification; establish regional and subregional LMO detection networks; nominate detection and identification experts to the Biosafety Roster of Experts; and submit relevant information to the Biosafety Clearing-house (BCH).

They further recommended that the Executive Secretary: continue organizing online discussions of the Network of Laboratories; convene regional and subregional capacity-building workshops; and establish mechanisms to update tools and mechanisms and training materials. [Report of the Workshop of the Network of Laboratories for the Detection and Identification of Living Modified Organisms]