biod-champions29 October 2013: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has declared the Natural Capital Declaration, an initiative developed under the aegis of the Finance Initiative of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP-FI), as a Biodiversity Champion, in recognition of its contribution to assist in the implementation of one or more Aichi biodiversity targets.

The Natural Capital Declaration was developed under UNEP-FI following an extensive consultation process with the financial community in 2010 and 2011, and was formally launched at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20). It has since been signed by numerous financial institutions and other stakeholders. Referring to natural capital as the stock of ecosystems that provide inputs and direct and indirect benefits to business and society in general, the Natural Capital Declaration calls upon governments to “develop clear, credible, and long-term policy frameworks that support and incentivize organizations, including financial institutions, to value and report on their use of natural capital and thereby work towards internalizing environmental costs.”

As a Biodiversity Champion, the Natural Capital Declaration receives specific recognition on a dedicated webpage under the CBD Clearing-house Mechanism. [CBD Notification][Biodiversity Champions][Natural Capital Declaration Webpage][Aichi Biodiversity Targets]