8 April 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is seeking nominations for a Latin America and Caribbean regional consultation and capacity building workshop on REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks), including on relevant biodiversity safeguards.

The workshop will be held from 5-8 July 2011, in Quito, Ecuador, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador and with financial support from the Government of Japan and the UN-REDD Programme. Its purpose is to consult with parties on the development of advice on relevant biodiversity safeguards, so that REDD+ actions are consistent with the objectives of the CBD and avoid negative impacts on and enhance benefits for biodiversity. The workshop further aims to: identify possible indicators to assess the contribution of REDD+ to achieving the objectives of the CBD; assess potential mechanisms to monitor impacts on biodiversity from these and other ecosystem-based approaches for climate change mitigation measures; and enhance the coordination of capacity-building efforts on issues related to biodiversity and ecosystem-based carbon sequestration and the conservation of forest carbon stocks. Nominations should be submitted to the CBD Secretariat by 18 May 2011. A number of developing country participants and indigenous and local community representatives will be offered financial support [CBD Notification]