CBD27 October 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has circulated the submissions received to date on proposed new and emerging issues for possible consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), and has invited comments on the submissions.

The submissions address: synthetic biology; geopiracy; biodiversity and ground-level ozone; and consideration of no new and emerging issue. Comments should take into account a list of criteria, including: relevance of the issue to the implementation of the objectives of the CBD and its existing programmes of work; new evidence of unexpected and significant impacts on biodiversity; urgency of addressing the issue/imminence of the risk; actual geographic coverage and potential spread of the issue; evidence of the absence or limited availability of tools to limit or mitigate negative impacts; and magnitude of actual and potential impacts on human and economic well-being.

Comments are invited before 20 January 2012 [CBD Notification][Submissions on New and Emerging Issues]