cop1415 September 2014: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has circulated the provisional programme and briefing notes for the High-Level Segment of the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 12) to the CBD, prepared by the Government of the Republic of Korea, in consultation with the CBD Secretariat. The CBD COP 12 High-Level Segment will be held from 15-16 October 2014, under the theme ‘Biodiversity for Sustainable Development.’

The High-Level Segment aims to allow for an exchange of experiences on how the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity contribute to sustainable development, and in particular to food and water security, sustainable growth, and adaptation to global change, including climate change. It is expected to include discussions on: integrating biodiversity into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and post-2015 development agenda; integrating national biodiversity strategies and action plans into national and local development and poverty eradication strategies and planning processes; nature-based solutions for global challenges; biodiversity and creative economy; and peace and biodiversity.

One of the main outcomes of the High-Level Segment will be the Gangwon Declaration on biodiversity for sustainable development, to highlight why biodiversity is essential for sustainable development; why development pathways must ensure that the life support system underpinned by biodiversity is maintained; and how the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets can contribute to the post-2015 development agenda. [CBD Notification, including provisional programme and briefing notes][Biodiversity Policy & Practice article on the Gangwon Declaration][COP 12 and Related Meetings website][High-Level Segment webpage]