1 April 2011: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is inviting nominations for the Expert Group Meeting on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Development, tentatively scheduled for November 2011.

The aim of the Expert Group will be to elucidate the linkages between the three objectives of the Convention, and poverty eradication and development processes, with the aim of improving capacity for mainstreaming the objectives into poverty eradication strategies and plans. The Group also will aim to identify the most effective approach toward a framework on capacity development for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services for sustainable development and poverty eradication, building on existing initiatives and in close cooperation with relevant organizations.

The report of the Group will provide technical input to the Working Group on Review of Implementation of the Convention. The Group will be regionally balanced and composed of 25 experts nominated by Parties and 15 observers. Parties and relevant partners are invited to nominate their selected experts and observers to the CBD Secretariat by 30 April 2011. [CBD Notification]