Regional and Sub-Regional Capacity-Building Workshops on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainstreaming Biodiversity 20 August 2008: The Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) has announced that a regional workshop for countries
of the Caribbean region on capacity-building for national biodiversity
strategies and action plans, mainstreaming of biodiversity and the integration
of climate change will be held in Trinidad and Tobago, from 3-7 November 2008.

The workshop is organized by the CBD, with the support of the Cropper
Foundation, in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Management
Authority, the Caribbean Community Secretariat and the Caribbean Natural
Resources Institute, and with the financial support of Spain and Norway.
workshop aims to strengthen national capacity for, inter alia, the integration
of climate change impacts and the impacts of climate change mitigation and
adaptation activities on biodiversity within national biodiversity strategies
and action plans and implementation of the CBD, in line with decision IX/16.
Governments are requested to nominate a representative through an official
letter, which should reach the CBD Secretariat by 30 September 2008. [The
] [Further
information on the workshop