5 August 2019: The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) formally launched its online platform for SDG knowledge in the Caribbean. The event took place in Trinidad and Tobago, which will present a voluntary national review (VNR) of SDG implementation during the 2020 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).

Released in May 2019, the Caribbean Civil Society SDGs Knowledge Platform contains information on SDG implementation related to both national and regional levels, and with a focus on the role of civil society organizations (CSOs). It aims to promote and enhance civil society inclusion in SDG implementation, monitoring and reporting.

The platform enables CSOs to:

  • showcase stories relating to their role in and experience of implementing the SDGs;
  • network to discuss experiences, exchange ideas and share lessons learned; and
  • collaborate to enhance the capacity, voice and visibility of CSOs in national and regional SDG policies and actions.

The Platform was launched on 30 July 2019, during an event convened by CANARI in partnership with the EU. Speakers highlighted the critical roles of CSOs in national development, and said the platform serves to facilitate such inputs. With regard to the preparation of Trinidad and Tobago’s VNR in 2020, speakers said the Platform can “enhance partnership and dialogue between civil society and government.”

EU Ambassador Aad Biesebroek said CSOs help translate government policies into concrete measures that benefit all people. He emphasized the need for: continuing reflection and assessment regarding SDG implementation, financing and promotion; and aligning political priorities and national development policies in Trinidad and Tobago to achieve the SDGs.

The knowledge platform supports the goals of CANARI’s CSOs for Good Governance (CSOs4GoodGov) project, which is supported by the EU. The project aims to enhance civil society’s contribution to governance and development processes in the Trinidad and Tobago, and in implementing the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.

CANARI, part of a Trinidad and Tobago consortium of seven CSOs, seeks to promote equitable participation and effective collaboration in managing natural resources for development. CANARI’s programmes focus on capacity building, policy planning and development, research, sharing and disseminating lessons learned, and fostering regional partnerships.

Trinidad and Tobago is one of two Caribbean countries planning to present its first VNR in 2020, along with Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. To date, 45 other countries have indicated their intent to report at the 2020 HLPF. [Caribbean Civil Society SDGs Knowledge Platform] [CANARI Press Release] [CANARI Website]