Declaration_of_Fort_de_France9 May 2015: Emphasizing the interdependence of the planet’s ecosystems and its inhabitants, 13 Caribbean Heads of State and Government have issued a call for an effective global agreement to be agreed at the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015. The leaders state that climate change, with its consequences already being felt, is a strong illustration of the world’s interdependence and a reminder of the need to take on collective responsibility to solve the problem together, in solidarity.

The ‘Declaration of Fort-De-France’ notes that despite Caribbean countries’ comparatively low emissions, they will be among the most acutely affected by climate change impacts. The leaders recognize that shared destiny calls for international cooperation and collaboration. They thus promise to fully contribute to international action to limit emissions to a level that will “ensure the survival of most vulnerable communities, along with food security and the socio-economic well-being of all, respecting the need to maintain the balances of our biosphere.”

They call on world leaders, regional and municipal authorities, the private sector and the people of the world to: work cooperatively in a manner that will allow the world to take on the multifaceted challenge of climate change; hear the appeal of the most vulnerable countries; provide scientific, technical and financial support for adaptation; recognize the problems specific to island and low-lying States; and to support these States in preparation of their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs).

The Declaration was signed on 9 May 2015 in Martinique at a meeting chaired by French President François Hollande. [UNFCCC Press Release] [Declaration of Fort-De-France]