14 December 2016: The launch of a UNFCCC webpage dedicated to technology, various initiatives aimed at transfering technology and building capacity related to renewables in Asia and Europe, as well as adaptation capacity-building activities are some of the recent highlights included in this Update.

UNFCCC Launches TT:CLEAR, CTCN Convenes Regional Forum for Latin America

Two developments over the past few weeks have sought to advance knowledge-sharing related to technology. The UNFCCC Secretariat launched a website called ‘TT:CLEAR.’ Its homepage is titled ‘Climate Technology – the UNFCCC home for technology.’ The website showcases UNFCCC support to countries on climate technology development and transfer, and contains databases for fundable technology projects and policies that countries could implement in their efforts to move to low-carbon and climate resilient development pathways. Home to the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, the website includes comprehensive information on the Technology Executive Committee (TEC), the policy arm of the Technology Mechanism; and links to the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), the implementation arm of the Technology Mechanism, which provides free technical assistance to developing countries on climate technology issues. [TT:CLEAR Website] [CTCN Website] [UNFCCC Press Release] [CTCN Press Release]

The CTCN held a regional forum for Latin America in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, from 30 November to 2 December 2016. The forum sought to develop and strengthen the regional network of National Designated Entities (NDEs) and their relationship with other technology stakeholders. [CTCN Press Release] [CTCN Press Release in Spanish] [CTCN Regional Fora Website]

Technology Transfer, Capacity Building Initiatives Focus on Renewables, Energy Efficiency in Asia, Europe

Recent initiatives and projects have focused on transfering technology and building capacity in relation to renewables and energy efficiency in various Asian countries, as well as in Europe.

In Asia, an International Maritime Organization (IMO) course, developed under IMO’s global maritime energy efficiency partnerships (GloMEEP) project, was offered to educators during a workshop in Hangzhou, China, from 8-9 December 2016. The course aims to assist maritime training institutes to introduce the topic of energy-efficient ship operation into their teaching curriculums. Chinese educators were the first to undergo the training. [IMO Press Release] [GloMEEP Website]

In collaboration with the Royal University of Agriculture of Cambodia, UNIDO launched a Biogas Technology and Information Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) presented a South-South technology transfer project for bioethanol production from cassava at the 2016 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition held in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, from 9-11 November 2016. Supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented jointly with partners from Thailand and Viet Nam, the project uses very high-gravity simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (VHG-SSF) to produce bioethanol. The technology was developed in Thailand, and transfer efforts focus on the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Myanmar and Viet Nam. [UNIDO Press Release] [2016 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition Website]

UNIDO also collaborated with the Royal University of Agriculture of Cambodia on launching, on 8 December, a Biogas Technology and Information Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Funded by the GEF and implemented by UNIDO and local partners, the Centre aims to build the country’s technical capacity and know-how on commercial biogas technology, and establish networks among existing biogas centers and stakeholders in the region. The Center seeks to contribute to developing biogas energy from pig farms, a clean energy source for rural electrification with a greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation potential. [UNIDO Press Release]

In recent weeks, UNIDO was also active on the European continent. In collaboration with the Energy Academy Europe (EAE), it launched a joint training programme titled ‘Sustainable Energy Solutions 2016,’ in Groningen, the Netherlands, on 30 November 2016. The eight-day training programme aims to enhance participants’ understanding of innovative energy solutions. [UNIDO Press Release]

On 7 December 2016, UNIDO and the EAE concluded a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to cooperate closely on sustainable energy systems, energy policy and socioeconomic dynamics, and clean technology innovations. The Netherlands-based EAE brings together initiatives, partners and networks to accelerate transition to sustainable energy by developing and implementing activities in the areas of research, education and innovation. [UNIDO Press Release] [EAE Website]

International Organizations Build Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation

On 16 November 2016, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and Lao PDR’s National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) signed an agreement to develop tools for farmers to adapt to climate change, including weather forecasts and schools. [WFP Press Release]

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) published an op-ed on capacity building in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries as part of disaster risk management (DRM) and recovery efforts to address the impacts of El Niño. [UNDP Op-Ed]

Capacity Building Initiatives Promote Climate Change Knowledge

Several recent initiatives have enhanced capacity in the field of climate change knowledge and data. The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) Secretariat signed a letter of collaboration with Jordan’s Ministry of Environment and the EDAMA business association, which aims to create and foster mature energy, water and environment sectors. The partners agreed to work together for the dissemination of climate change learning in the Arabic world. [UN CC:Learn Press Release]

A project titled ‘Enhancing National Climate Services’ (ENACTS) seeks to increase the availability and accessibility of quality climate data in Mali. Funded by USAID and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and implemented in partnership with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and others, the initiative focuses on the creation of reliable climate information suitable for national and local decision making. [ICRISAT Press Release]