21 August 2016: In Paris, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC requested the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to initiate the elaboration of the technology framework established under the Paris Agreement, which, among other things, should facilitate the undertaking and updating of technology needs assessments (TNAs), as well as the enhanced implementation of their results. An enhanced guidance issued by the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) for preparing a technology action plan (TAP) supports the new technology framework as well as Parties’ long-term vision on technology development and transfer reflected in the Paris Agreement.
This Update brings you news regarding this TAP guidance, as well as other implementation news. It highlights that a number of adaptation-related projects supported the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) are making progress, and the Dominican Republic has submitted a new request for technical assistance. UN CC:Learn capacity-building activities of the recent weeks have focused on youth and climate change learning.
TAP Guidance Advances Paris Agreement Implementation, CTCN Expands Network to 200
In order to support the technology framework established under the Paris Agreement, the TEC and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) DTU Partnership issued a publication titled ‘Enhancing Implementation of Technology Needs Assessments: Guidance for Preparing a Technology Action Plan.’ The guidance aims to assist developing countries in making informed decisions in their technology choices, and to accelerate development, transfer, deployment and dissemination of priority technologies. [Enhancing Implementation of Technology Needs Assessments: Guidance for Preparing a Technology Action Plan]
The CTCN, which serves as the implementation arm of the UNFCCC’s Technology Mechanism, expanded its Network and now includes 200 members. The Network brings together a diverse community of climate technology decision makers, suppliers and financiers to exchange technology experiences, identify barriers to technology transfer, and provide technical assistance and capacity building to developing countries. [CTCN Press Release]
CTCN-supported Projects Advance Adaptation in Africa and Asia
CTCN-supported projects made headway on: a feasibility study on health and environmental risk monitoring in the Republic of the Congo; strengthening Bangkok’s early warning system to respond to climate-induced flooding in Thailand; city climate vulnerability assessment and identification of ecosystem-based adaptation intervention in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR); and hydrodynamic modelling for flood reduction and climate-resilient infrastructure development in Jakarta, Indonesia. [CTCN Update on Feasibility Study on Health and Environmental Risk Monitoring in the Republic of the Congo] [CTCN Update on Strengthening Bangkok’s Early Warning System to Respond to Climate-induced Flooding] [CTCN Update on City Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Identification of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Intervention in PDR] [CTCN Update on Hydrodynamic Modelling for Flood Reduction in Jakarta]
Dominican Republic Requests Technical Assistance for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
The Dominican Republic requested the CTCN for technical assistance to build capacity to develop a biological mountain corridor in los Haitises, which is expected to contribute to both mitigation and adaptation efforts. [CTCN Technical Assistance Requests Webpage] [Summary of Technical Assistance Request by Dominican Republic (in Spanish)]
UN CC:Learn Builds Capacity for Climate Change Learning
UN CC:Learn launched a guide to support anybody who would be interested in organizing a Youth Climate Dialogue (YCD). The Youth Climate Dialogues is an initiative of the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and UN CC:Learn that aims to provide a forum for youth in Switzerland and UN CC:Learn partner countries to exchange views on climate change. [Publication: Youth Climate Dialogues: Guiding Tips to Get You All Set] [Publication Landing Page] [UNITAR Press Release] [UN CC:Learn Website]
Niger’s Conseil National de l’Environnement pour un Développement Durable (CNEDD), with support from UN:CC Learn, held a workshop in Niamey, Niger, from 1-2 June 2016, to assist the country with formulating its national learning strategy on climate change. [UNITAR Press Release]
UNITAR Trainings to Look Out For
The UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) will hold training on:
- Advanced Risk Management, from 12 September to 14 October 2016 [UNITAR Advanced Risk Management Course Webpage]
- Resilience Action Planning, from 12 September to 4 December 2016 [UNITAR Resilience Action Planning Course Webpage]
- Climate Change Diplomacy: Negotiating Effectively Under the UNFCCC, from 12 September to 6 November 2016 [UNITAR Climate Change Diplomacy Course Webpage]