5 December 2012: The latest post to the blog of the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) highlights the preparations of the High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) for its meeting in Monrovia, Liberia, in February 2013.

According to CAFOD, the meeting will focus on economic transformation at the national level, including issues related to: conflict and fragile states; responsible investment by the private sector; structural barriers; and sustainable and equitable growth. A civil society day also will be included.

The HLP’s following meeting will take place in Bali, Indonesia, in March 2013, where the HLP will review the first draft of its report. The report is expected to outline the HLP’s recommendations for the post-2015 framework in 20-40 pages, CAFOD notes, and is beginning to take shape around an agreed vision to end poverty.

In Bali the HLP also will discuss global issues such as common but differentiated responsibilities, environmental sustainability, the global partnership for development and implementation, the blog reports.

In a related blog post, CAFOD identifies varying country positions on priorities for post-2015. For example, it states Asian countries emphasize inequality concerns, in contrast to Latin American countries, which stress state sovereignty. Japan has hosted thematic consultations on growth and employment, and is active on the HLP. The UK has supported good governance, including accountability and transparency.

The blog further notes that, in contrast to the work of the HLP, the intergovernmental process on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) “has yet to come into existence” but is anticipated to begin its work early in 2013. It states that the same panel of technical experts that support the HLP will support the Open Working Group (OWG) on the SDGs.

CAFOD’s policy team publishes the blog on policies affecting development and global poverty, including regular posts on the post-2015 agenda. [Blog entry on Post-2015] [Blog entry on SDGs]