Adaptationfund18 November 2009: The Adaptation Fund Board accepted the offer by Germany to confer legal capacity and host the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) in Bonn.
Legal capacity will allow the Adaptation Fund Board to have a long-term solution to disburse funds in its function to assist developing countries in adapting to climate change. The Secretariat for the AFB will, however, remain in Washington, DC, US, hosted by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The World Bank serves as its trustee.
The decision was taken at the 16-18 November 2009 meeting of the AFB, in Bonn, Germany. The AFB also, inter alia: adopted Operational Policies and Guidelines; approved the creation of a standing Accreditation Panel for accrediting the proposed National Implementing Entities (NIE) and Multilateral Implementing Entities (MIE); agreed to issue a call for experts to serve on the Panel; and invited Kyoto Protocol parties to submit nominations for National Implementing Entities (NIEs) for accreditation and to access funds resources directly. [AFB Press Release]