Bioversity International30 April 2014: Bioversity International has released an Action Plan and a policy brief, titled ‘Realizing the promise of neglected and underutilized species,’ to foster action on neglected and underutilized species (NUS) as strategic assets for food security in Africa.

The Action Plan identifies activities to implement recommendations from the 3rd International Conference on Neglected and Underutilized Species: For a Food-Secure Africa, held 25-27 September 2013 in Accra, Ghana.

The plan calls for: including NUS in strategies and frameworks that address global issues; identifying and supporting research and development on priority NUS; supporting the development of value chains and small agri-businesses for NUS; strengthening collaboration and information-sharing; promoting NUS cultivation; increasing support for NUS in situ, on farm and ex situ conservation; strengthening seed systems; and supporting farmers’ rights and benefit-sharing.

The policy brief provides background information on NUS and puts the activities laid out in the Action Plan into context. It highlights the role of NUS in addressing: conservation of agricultural biodiversity; agricultural and rural development; climate change; food and nutrition security; and gender, culture and empowerment of women.

Biodiversity International is a CGIAR member. [Bioversity International Press Release][Action Plan to leverage the contribution of NUS to address hunger, poverty and sustainability][Publication: Realizing the promise of neglected and underutilized species][Bioversity NUS Homepage]