Bioversity International13 June 2016: Bioversity International, a member of the CGIAR Consortium, through its International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT), has launched a project aiming to protect Pacific coconut diversity and associated livelihoods from the threat of genetic erosion through climate change and plant disease by establishing a new gene bank and germplasm collection in Papua New Guinea.

Coordinated by COGENT/Bioversity International, the three-year project titled, ‘Upgrading and broadening the new international coconut genebank for South Pacific,’ will address gaps in the collection, characterization and safe replication of coconut genetic material. The project focuses on varieties under imminent threat from climate change and a disease called Bogia Syndrome against which current facilities do not offer sufficient protection. The new collection will be made available to the international research community and coconut stakeholders through the COGENT Network.

The project also aims to strengthen food security and support farmers in the Pacific region whose livelihoods often depend on coconut cultivation. It will further build the capacity of gene bank staff and train young scientists in the region.

The project was launched during a workshop held from 14-17 June 2016 in Lautoka, Fiji. Other partners include the Centre de Coopération International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT), the Asian Pacific Coconut Community (APCC), and Government partners from Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Samoa.

COGENT promotes collaboration among researchers and other coconut stakeholders from 40 countries in order to sustainably improve coconut production and increase incomes through the collection, conservation, exploration and enhancement of coconut germplasm. [Bioversity International Press Release] [CIRAD Project Description (in French)] [COGENT Website]