CGIAR20 October 2014: During a two-day workshop, participants from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam discussed how agriculture-based interventions, in particular crop diversification, can strengthen the resilience of smallholder farmers and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Organized by Bioversity International, a member of the CGIAR consortium, and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute of Lao PDR (NAFRI), the workshop aimed to provide a forum for exchanging experiences on crop diversification strategies and policy endeavors, identifying measures to enhance climate adaptation through crop diversification, and generating new ideas for research and policy.

Participants discussed, among other issues, how to analyze crop diversification at different levels such as the variety level or the agro-ecological landscape level, and challenges in evaluating trade-offs between strategies that result in different levels of crop diversification. The outcomes of the workshop are intended to lead to new research partnerships among the three countries, in collaboration with Bioversity International and other international partners.

The Workshop was held 2-3 October 2014 in Vientiane, Lao PDR, with financial support from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). [Bioversity International News Release][NAFRI website]