South African Flag10 October 2014: Ministers from the four BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) countries convened for the group’s 19th Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change to discuss: issues relating to the UNFCCC negotiations; matters relating to the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP); and key topics emerging from the negotiations and informal consultations.

In a joint statement, issued at the conclusion of the meeting, BASIC countries outline their views on: the 2014 UN Climate Summit; enhanced ambition pre-2020; the Lima Climate Change Conference; the 2015 agreement, including adaptation, support to developing countries and transparency; intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs); and the role of existing institutions and mechanisms under the Convention post-2020, among other issues.

In the statment, the ministers welcome the political momentum achieved by the UN Climate Summit and announcements made by some developed countries for the initial capitalization of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), calling for other developed countries to do likewise by the GCF pledging conference in November 2014, at the latest.

They stress that delivery on existing pre-2020 commitments, in particular clearer indications from developed countries regarding the US$100 billion climate finance goal, will enhance trust and confidence for the successful conclusion of the 2015 agreement.

The ministers highlight the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the UNFCCC, scheduled to take place in Lima, Peru, as an important milestone. They emphasize the importance of: reaching agreement in Lima on elements for a draft negotiating text and on information to be provided in INDCs; and ensuring adequate resource allocation to the Adaptation Fund and adaptation window of the GCF. COP 20, they state, should also provide clarity on implementation support for developing countries under the 2015 agreement.

The ministers call for the 2015 agreement to, inter alia: strengthen the multilateral, rules-based regime under the Convention, and be in accordance with its principles and provisions; give effect to the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC); provide an inclusive, equitable and effective framework for staying below 2°C, which allows for progressive enhancement of contributions; treat adaptation in a balanced manner; and establish a clear link between developing country actions and the scale of means of implementation support.

On INDCs, the ministers reiterate they should cover mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building, and suggest that National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) could form the basis for adaptation INDCs. Relating to existing institutions and mechanisms under the Convention, they emphasize these should be used and further strengthened post-2020.

BASIC ministers have been meeting on a regular basis since COP 15 to exchange views and develop a coordinated approach to issues on the UNFCCC negotiating agenda. The 19th BASIC Ministerial Meeting took place from 8-10 October 2014, in Sun City, South Africa. The previous BASIC Ministerial Meetings on Climate Change where held in August 2014 and October 2013, hosted by India and China, respectively. Brazil will host to the next meeting, planned for the first semester of 2015. [South Africa Government Press Release] [Joint Statement from the 19th BASIC Ministerial on Climate Change] [IISD RS Story on 18th BASIC Ministerial on Climate Change]