GEF15 May 2014: Ministers from Timor-Leste and Indonesia and the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia endorsed a regional Strategic Action Programme to promote the restoration, conservation and management of coastal and marine ecosystems in the Arafura and Timor Seas, an area that links the Indian and Pacific Oceans and is known as the ATS region. The officials endorsed the Programme at the World Coral Reef Conference 2014, which took place from 14-17 May in Manadao, Indonesia.

The ATS region contains pristine and highly threatened coastal and marine ecosystems that provide food and livelihoods for millions of people. In addition to its rich marine resources, the ATS region also contains oil and gas reserves.

The Strategic Action Programme addresses actions to: restore degraded habitats; protect marine species; recover and sustain fisheries; reduce land-based and marine sources of pollution; and support adaptation to climate change. In the Programme, Australia, Indonesia and Timor-Leste also agreed to create a regional mechanism to ensure coordination and capacity for sustainable, integrated management.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Governments of Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Australia and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) provide co-financing for the ATS Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) Project. The UNDP and the UN Office for Project Services have implemented the project. The Government of Indonesia will provide a Regional Secretariat for the coordinating mechanism, which will be located in Bali, Indonesia. [GEF Press Release] [Strategic Action Programme for the Arafura and Timor Seas] [IISD RS Story on the World Coral Reef Conference 2014]