AMCDRR-626 June 2014: The Sixth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) concluded with the adoption of the ‘Bangkok Declaration,’ which commends the progress made under the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) on capacity building, early warning systems, awareness-raising and understanding risk. Looking forward, the Declaration points to the need for increased attention to local resilience, scaling up public investment and utilizing public-private partnerships.

The Ministerial Conference brought together over 3,000 representatives, including government ministers and high-level disaster management officials, from over 40 countries. AMCDRR was the final in a series of intergovernmental meetings leading up to the Third UN World Conference on DRR, to be held in March 2015 in Japan. The World Conference is expected to adopt a global framework on disaster risk (‘HFA2’) to replace the HFA.

Work at AMCDRR was conducted in technical sessions and high-level round tables on: implementation of the HFA and priorities for the World Conference; enhancing resilience at local levels; resilient public investments; and public-private partnerships for DRR.

As is emphasized in the Declaration, participants considered the HFA to have built a strong foundation for advancing progress under HFA2, once it has been agreed. The Declaration also underscores the importance of an implementation plan and monitoring and review system for HFA2.

In addition, the Declaration calls on stakeholders to, inter alia: encourage a shift from response-oriented actions to risk-informed investments within the private sector; promote the use and further development of science, technology and innovation; and enhance governance, transparency and accountability.

AMCDRR was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 22-26 June 2014, and co-organized by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) and the Thai Government. Additional outcomes of the Conference include various voluntary commitments made by civil society, parliamentarians, the private sector, youth and the media, among others. [UNISDR Press Release, 26 June 2014] [Bangkok Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and the Pacific 2014] [UNISDR Press Release, 23 June 2014] [UNESCAP Press Release] [6th AMCDRR Website]