9 September 2012: Through the adoption of the 2012 Leaders’ Declaration, also known as the Vladivostok Declaration, member countries in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) have agreed to significantly reduce tariffs and duties on green technologies. The Declaration, titled “Integrate to grow, innovate to prosper,” was adopted at the completion of the 20th APEC Economic Leaders’ meeting, held in Vladivostok, Russia, from 8-9 September 2012.

By the Declaration, leaders agree that, by 2015, member countries will reduce tariff rates to 5% or less for environmental goods including sustainable flooring, wind turbines, equipment for treating wastewater or removing pollutants, and machinery for physical and chemical analyses for environmental assessments. The full list of environmental goods is provided as an annex to the Declaration.

The Declaration also affirms that efforts to protect the environment will not result in protectionism, but rather will be implemented by member countries in a manner consistent with international trade agreements.

On illegal trade, the Declaration commits member countries to increasing efforts to prevent illegal trade in endangered and protected wildlife and associated products.

Finally, in support of sustainable development, the Declaration commits to the implementation of sustainable marine and forest management, including the promotion of “sustainable, open and fair trade of non-timber forest products.” [Publication: Vladivostok Declaration] [List of Environmental Goods] [CITES Press Release]