Mountain Partnership11 September 2014: Six Andean countries, in collaboration with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), are developing a regional coordination mechanism to support sustainable mountain development in the region. Based on the principle of integrated management, the mechanism will seek to protect the region’s ecosystems while improving residents’ quality of life.

The regional coordination mechanism will focus on increasing dialogue and collaboration among the six Governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, as well as with other organizations dedicated to sustainable development in the Andes.

The mechanism is detailed in a Spanish-language report, ‘Cordillera de Los Andes, una oportunidad para la integración y desarrollo de América del Sur’ (The Andes, an opportunity for integration and development in South America) published by FAO. The report synthesizes official data from each country’s mountain areas and aims to identify factors that could support the common management of resources.

The report includes assessments of key variables in each country, including: environmental, demographic and economic aspects; poverty; food security; and capacity building and knowledge management. The study also: examines relevant institutional frameworks; identifies existing management roles and functions; and presents activities established by the ‘National Mountain Committees’ in the participating countries.

The report concludes with recommendations including: consolidating the Mountain Committees at national and regional levels; identifying a process for the Committees to implement their action plans; and involving academia, local governments, the private sector and civil society in the process. [Mountain Partnership Press Release] [Mountain Partnership Publication Website] [Publication: Cordillera de Los Andes, una oportunidad para la integración y desarrollo de América del Sur (in Spanish)]