22 March 2011: The African Rice Center (AfricaRice) has taken on the lead role for Africa in the Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP), a new research programme of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

The GRiSP aims to increase rice production using less water, land and labor through production systems that are resilient to climate change. The leadership role in the GRiSP is reflective of the growth and improved performance of AfricaRice, which has led to increases in rice production in several African countries over recent years. The GRiSP will help AfricaRice to address new research interests related to the development of new climate-resilient rice technologies and market-oriented value chain approaches. AfricaRice is an intergovernmental research association of 24 African member countries and is is a member of the CGIAR. [AfricaRice Press Release]