4 March 2011. The African Union (AU) and the UN Entity for Gender Empowerment and the Equality of Women (UN Women) have agreed to deepen their collaboration in the implementation of the African Women’s Decade (AWD).

UN Women’s Representative to the African Union and to the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Florence Butegwa met with the AU Commission’s Deputy Chairperson Erastus Mwencha to identify priority areas for collaboration and negotiate the modalities of a new memorandum of understanding between the AU and UN Women.

Collaboration will focus on overlaps between the priorities of UN Women and the AWD’s core themes, including: fighting poverty and promoting economic empowerment of women entrepreneurship; agriculture and food security; health, maternal mortality and HIV and AIDS; education, science and technology; environment, climate change and sustainable development; peace, security and violence against women and girls; governance and legal protection; finance and gender budgeting; women and decision making; and mentoring youth. The two bodies will also work towards making the UN Ten-year Capacity Building Programme for the African Union more gender sensitive. [AU Press Release]