The African Water Facility (AWF) has held a seminar on sustainable water resources management.

The seminar, which took place in Tunis, Tunisia, in late October 2008, was held under the chairmanship of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group’s Water and Sanitation Department. The seminar was organized around the theme “Towards equitable and sustainable water resources use and management: Progress on contribution of current AWF portfolio.” During the seminar, participants reviewed current water issues in Africa and examined how initiatives supported by the Facility are responding to the African Water Vision 2025 of “An Africa where there is an equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for poverty alleviation, socio-economic development, regional cooperation and the environment.” Participants also heard thematic presentations highlighting progress made in the implementation of specific ongoing projects, and showcasing how specific issues are being addressed through interventions supported by the AWF.
The AWF is an initiative of African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), was created to promote the development of the water sector in Africa and to mobilize the necessary financial resources for the implementation of its activities.
Link to further information
ADB Press Release, 30 October 2008